
2024 Forum


APEC Forum on Women and Youth Empowerment: Advancing Innovative Education and Enhancing Workforce Skills for a Sustainable and Inclusive Future


It is imperative to strengthen talent and human resource development and to boost economic productivity in the post-pandemic era, yet the available resources, such as education, employment training and access to the labor market, remain exclusive and unavailable to many. Therefore, this project aims to promote innovative education andenhance workforce skills for women and young entrepreneurs in order for them to become indispensable talents in the current and future job market. Once individuals in these two groups with untapped economic potential obtain key skillsets and the innovative and creative thinking mindsets necessary to access and be competitive in the workforce, a more stable and inclusive labor market will be established. Furthermore, when the women and young entrepreneurs are prepared to initiate their own entrepreneurial venture using the skills and tools they have acquired, more diverse and inclusive job opportunities will be created and initiate a positive cycle that will further benefit the regional economy and accelerate global economic recovery. 

To accomplish this, a 3-day event will be held to discuss and disseminate content on innovative entrepreneurship education, sustainable business, women empowerment programs, and interdisciplinary learning. An innovative field trip will take place on the final day of the event. This project supports the United States 2023 priorities of “Innovative” and “Inclusive”. It also aligns with the goals of APEC Human Resources Development Working Group and the La Serena Roadmap for Women and Inclusive Growth 2019-2030.

Day 1 – Forum

  • Innovative Approaches to Entrepreneurship Education for Young Entrepreneurs
  • Promoting Regional Development through Innovative Businesses

Day 2 – Forum

  • Empowering Women in STEM: Cross-Disciplinary Training and Entrepreneurship
  • Female Entrepreneurship Experiences Sharing

Day 3 – Educational Field Visit

  • Start-up Regional Hub
  • NPO HUB Taipei
  • Wrap-up Session

November 13th – 15th 2024

Students / Startup Instructors / Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurs-to-be Under 30 / Government Officials in Related Sectors

APEC Project Number

HRDWG 201 2023A